When is the Best Time to Visit Shanghai

Last updated: September,26 2018

One of four municipalities in China that are separate from the normal provinces, Shanghai is a massive metropolis that is full of glamor, excess, mystique, and exotic promise, as well as one of the most historic cities in China. Home to a host of neck-craning skyscrapers, underneath lies a treasure trove of architectural styles, both ancient and modern. With its own mouth-watering cuisine and expansive retail outlets for the devoted shoppers, Shanghai also has some of the country’s best art galleries and theaters, as well as some of China’s best nightlife.

One of the largest seaports in the world, Shanghai is the largest and most developed city in China, as well as being the economic, financial, cultural and trade hub of eastern China. One of China’s most famous destinations for tourists, Shanghai is also a popular gateway for China Tibet Tours from Shanghai. No matter you are going to have a classic city exploration tour here or plan to go further to the vast land of this large country, to travel Shanghai in the best seasons would offer you a better impression of this modern and multi-cultural city that has a unique flair that blends the cultures of the west and the orient seamlessly.

When Is The Best Time to Visit Shanghai?

The best times to visit Shanghai are in the spring and autumn, when the weather is mild and pleasant, and when the rainfall is at its lowest. Shanghai has a subtropical monsoon climate with four distinct seasons, which make the spring and autumn seasons the most comfortable. Winters can be cold, with temperatures as low as freezing, while the summers can get very wet, with more than 1.2 meters of rainfall per year.

Best time to visit ShanghaiThe clear view of the Bund took in spring, one of the best time to visit Shanghai

Shanghai does not really have a peak tourist season, per se, but the busiest times of year for travelers are in the spring and fall, from April to early June and throughout September to around mid-October. If you want to avoid the crowds of tourists that fill the bars and clubs and shopping malls, not to mention the other attractions around the city, then the best time is in late March to mid-April and late October to the end of November. The weather may not be as good or as warm, but it is still pleasant enough to be able to enjoy the sights without the crowds.

Shanghai is a city that has a variety of cultures, the melting pot of China, and has plenty of foreign cultures included in the city’s heritage over the centuries, including British, French, and American influences. For those on a budget, Shanghai can be visited in winter, though it can get a little cold. The prime periods for flight prices to be at their lowest are at the beginning of spring and end of autumn.

Shanghai Weather in Spring

Spring in Shanghai runs from March to May, and the temperatures that start cool soon become warmer, with average temperatures of around 15 degrees. While it is not yet the rainy season, there is some light rainfall in the spring, but not enough to warrant waterproofs. While it is getting warmer, sweaters and jackets are still the order of the day, though pack some lighter clothes for the odd warmer day.

Shanghai Weather in Summer

The summer in Shanghai is long and wet, as very hot. Running from June to September, July and August are the hottest months, as well as the wettest. Temperatures can reach as high as 40 degrees, and it rains around half of the days in the month. Sudden heavy downpours and the odd typhoon are common during the summer months. While it is the wettest time of year and a waterproof jacket and umbrella are a necessity, there are still days where the sun is bright and hot, so bring along sun cream, a hat, and your sunglasses.

Please Note:
Summer holiday is not only a peak season for trips to Shanghai, but also a busy time for the locals travel outside Shanghai to other destinations in China, as well as the rest of the world. So if you plan to visit Shanghai with an extension China tour to other destinations, you need to book the transfer tickets in advance, especially for those who want to take a Shanghai Tibet train in this period.

Shanghai Weather in Autumn

Running from October to November, the short autumn season is rated as the best time to visit the city, as it is generally drier and brighter, with more days of sunshine. Temperatures range from 20-10 degrees, dropping as the season progresses, and can change quickly and frequently. Late in November is the time when the leaves start to turn to red and gold and fall to the ground, leaving the many parks covered in blankets of color.

Shanghai Weather in Winter

Winter in Shanghai is from December to February, and the wind is dry and bitingly cold from the north. Late January to early February is the coldest time of the winter, and while the temperatures can drop to well below freezing, it rarely ever snows due to the city’s location on the coast at the mouth of the Yangtze River. Winter temperatures during the day average around nine degrees, and while it is not as harsh as in the more northern cities, the prevailing northerly winds make it feel colder.

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When Is The Best Time to Visit The Water Towns around Shanghai?

Shanghai has seven “water towns”, which are Zhujiajiao, Zhouzhuang, Tongli, Wuzhen, Xitang, Luzhi and Nanxun. Noted for their arched bridges, stone-paved streets and alleys, and waterside teahouses, this is a major part of the cultural heritage of Shanghai and is a great place to experience the unique lifestyle of the waterside culture.

Visit Water Town around ShanghaiZhujiajiao, one of the "water towns" of Shanghai, is a good place to visit in summer time.

Generally, summer time is a good place to visit the water towns around Shanghai. It is suggested to avoid the Chinese holidays during these months, such as the first week of May, the Dragon Boat Festival in June, etc.

If you are spending more than a few days in Shanghai, then you will have time to spend in and around these stunning water towns. Part of the area of Shanghai for a few hundred years, the Ming and Qing Dynasty houses have been preserved by the government in recent years, restoring some of the older buildings in these quaint and charming towns.

Unlike a trip to Disneyland, the towns are still used by the local residents, and the advantage of the water towns is that they have not been commercialized for tourism and there are still the old-style shops that sell small trinkets and souvenirs that are not mass-produced.

Weekends at these small towns can be busy, as they have become quite a tourist attraction, even for the locals. Weekdays are the best time to visit for fewer tourists and less crowded streets, and you have a better chance of getting a seat in one of the waterside teahouses for lunch. However, the towns are beautiful at night, as the canals are lit up along the sides with streetlights and local signs, which give the towns an eerie and mysterious feel.

When Is The Best Time to Visit Shanghai Disney?

Disneyland Shanghai is the latest in a long line of Disney theme parks around the world, and is unlike any of the other Disney resorts. With a massive theme park, two major hotels, and a full Disneytown Entertainment Area, the newest of the Disney Resorts in Asia has been a success since its opening in 2016.

The resort is located in the Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone in Pudong, and can be reached quickly and easily by using the Shanghai Metro Line 11, and just travel to the last station, which is the Disney Resort Station.

The park is busiest during the Chinese holidays, especially during the Spring Festival and the National Day week in the first week of October. Ideally, avoid any of the Chinese national holidays, as the park is bound to get busy not matter which holiday it is. Spring and autumn are usually the best times to visit, as long as you are avoiding Chinese holidays, though the park has become popular with international tourists as well, who come to Shanghai just to visit Disneyland.

Try to stay away from weekends in the spring and autumn, as it can be even busier. If you do not mind a little chill in the air, the earlier part of spring, from March to mid-April, and the latter part of autumn, from mid-October onwards, are the optimum times to hit the resort to avoid most of the tourists.

Best Time to Visit Shanghai DisneyUsually, the best times to visit Shanghai Disney are spring and autumn, but it's better to avoid Chinese holidays.

Summer and winter are possible, though you will not want to go when it is raining heavily, so pick your days to visit carefully. Summer days can also be hot and humid, and you may be standing in lines for long periods, so if summer is your preferred time to visit, take plenty of water with you when you queue for the attractions.

Shanghai rarely sees snow, even in the depths of winter, and while the idea of a winter trip to Disneyland over Christmas may sound like a good idea, it will also to about a million other tourists. However, through the rest of the winter, as long as you wrap up warm, it can be a good time to visit with fewer tourists, although it can get busier at weekends.

Does It Snow in Winter in Shanghai?

While it is not as hot as Hong Kong in the south, nor as cold as Beijing in the north, the winter in Shanghai can get very cold, often reaching temperatures as low as freezing even during the day in January. It rarely snows in Shanghai, even in the coldest of months, but with the strong north winds and the dampness caused by its location on the coast, it can feel a lot colder than it is.

Rain is more common in January than snow, but is has been known to happen. As recently as January 2018, Shanghai saw snow, with up to 3-5 centimeters of snow falling overnight. While this may not be much, in Shanghai it is a veritable “blizzard”, since the city seldom sees any snowfall. If you are planning a winter trip to Shanghai, then do not expect to see snow, though you may be lucky.

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